Allen Antiques

Mail shirt - MailShirt1 Mail shirt - MailShirt1-detail-collar Mail shirt - MailShirt1-detail-chest Mail shirt - MailShirt1-detail-skirt Mail shirt - M-1-under-arm-detail Mail shirt - M-1-sleeve-end Mail shirt - M-1-DetailWithScaleSkirt Mail shirt - M-1-DetailWithScaleBodyTransition Mail shirt - M-1-DetailWithScaleChestCorner Mail shirt - M-1-DetailWithScaleBody

Mail shirt 17th century

Mail Shirt, probably Eastern European. Formed of varying size and thickness rings. The rings over the chest are much heavier than those in the skirt and sleeves. Formed of alternate rows of riveted and solid rings. The rings are 3/8in i.d. The rings at the chest are much thicker than those at the edges. There is a rectangular patch of finer mail under the arm pit. The rings have a roughly 'wankel' cross section. App. 31 inches long. Opens down the entire front. Details show rings from the collar, chest and skirt. Detail images with scale are on an inch scale.


If you have any questions, please send them to Wade Allen

This site last updated Wed Apr 13 19:23:18 EDT 2022